About Us
Fellows in the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities represent a cross-section of disciplines in the humanities and institutions of higher education in Hong Kong. They thus constitute a rich and varied body of expert knowledge in the humanities.
The Academy seeks to foster greater fellowship, cooperation and solidarity among humanities scholars working in as well as beyond Hong Kong. It aspires to promote greater public appreciation of the value and importance of the humanities in Hong Kong by making its collective learning available to the general community.
Our mission
The Academy was established in April 2011 and has pursued the following goals:
Giving recognition to outstanding scholarly achievement in the humanities in Hong Kong
Helping aspiring scholars in the humanities make successful and rewarding academic careers in Hong Kong
Promoting enhanced appreciation of the value of the humanities in Hong Kong on behalf of the whole scholarly community
Providing a platform for information-sharing, discussion and debate among scholars on matters of importance to the humanities in Hong Kong
Making in-depth expertise in the humanities in Hong Kong accessible to government, the general public and any interested international bodies
Inaugural Meeting at The University of Hong Kong, 18 April 2011