Regular Events
The HKAH Annual General Meetings of the HKAH as a company were traditionally held at the end of the academic year and were occasions for Fellows to assemble, hear office holders report on the yearly activities of the Academy, elect new office holder and Executive Committee members, inaugurate newly elected Fellows and Early Career Fellows, and honor the first book prize winner. In 2018, the AGM took place at a celebratory dinner held at The Foreign Correspondents Club and in 2019 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University staff club. Due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020, the final AGM of the Academy as a company was held by Zoom.
Glimpses from past Annual General Meetings:
The Winter Gathering was introduced in 2019 to give HKAH Fellows greater opportunity to fraternize and exchange information. It was also designed for Fellows to provide more active support to Early Career Fellows by listening to their ‘lightning presentations’ on current research projects and engaging them in scholarly discussion on their subjects. The first Winter Gathering was held in the Faculty of Arts lounge at the University of Hong Kong.
For an overview of our current and past executive committees, click here.
The 24th EC Meeting on September 4, 2019. From the left: Bernadette WATSON, Stephen MATTHEWS, John CARROLL, Maureen SABINE, LIU Meichun and Julianne YANG. Photo by Sunny Leung.